Space and 28 others have joined the group Andromedan Council 2 months ago

I hope you're feeling well, Penny! Is anything I described about the location anything familiar to you? A very dark place, with partition like black walls, floor to almost ceiling, or to the ceiling...double commercial grade glass doors where a...


Thanks, Ian! I hope you are feeling well today! I'm getting ready to watch it now!


Thank you!
How do I separate the tall whites from the dudes with the red eyes and wear the same sort of clothing...with the dark suit and hat? Are they the same?


That sorta explains why the vision feels like ---well, I don't see anyone face to face, and there are no 2 people walking together down these dark corridors. Its kinda like a scene with a tall figure in a suit and hat walking down a long corridor, past these glowing doors, replaying,...and I feel like I am above the image, but also somewhere hidden in a corner. The place is mostly what I'm trying to understand.
I'm glad to know that about them. I certainly won't be trying to touch one.
I have also had something similar to what you describe with paramilitary (I think). I was picked up in a little white shuttle. Is that what you mean, Ian? Or black helicopters?


After listening to you and Penny today, and recalling my thoughts about the tall whites last night, I also recalled a visual. I can't remember if it was a dream, or just a vision I had at some point. It has been many years since I first saw it, but I have since seen it repeatedly, off and on, throughout the years.
In my mind last night, as I considered tall whites may be in my saw that same visual. It is of a dark room. There are partitions from floor to ceiling. The partitions are black. The only light that can be seen comes from the center of these partitions where there is a hallway leading you to these glass commercial double doors. An intense light beams in from there, but I haven't ever seen the door open. I have seen tall male looking figures, wearing dark suits and top hats. Only one at a time though.

Can you, or Penny, confirm this image at all for me? I mean, do I describe something familiar to anyone? It keeps popping up with the thought of tall whites.
Thanks ☺


inahurry replied to the topic 'Handlers?' in the forum. 4 years ago

Those are great questions. You'd be hard pressed to get me to say anything is far fetched anymore. I'm anxious to hear those particular answers as well, about the alters. Is it the same as realizing patterns and habits, and healing those so they are no longer an issue?


inahurry replied to the topic 'Handlers?' in the forum. 4 years ago

It is nice to meet you, Sephie.
I wonder how you woke to the various alters, and how you obtained your way towards reintegration.?
I only have what short small memories have to offer and a few dreams.
I recall seeing 3 lights in triangular form, without the form, flying right above me, two different times, but I can't recall where I was the first time.
I only began to really KNOW that this was going on in my life after a dream where I was shown a hybrid child and told he was mine.
Lots of tidbits after that, but too much memory loss to weave anything together,.. And seizures, should I start feeling too spunky, I guess. That's all weird too.
I have never been hypnotised, but have considered learning self hypnosis. In this respect though, that feels scary to me.


Not at worries. I didn't take it that way, and am just happy to speak to others who may be able to help me link my stories together just by... Show more

inahurry This is a lot to take in...haven't quite heard it put that way, or maybe that statement in relation to that event in my life. Wow. At that age???... Show more 4 years ago
Marco Mirage As You're Coming Out Of The Seizure, You Can "See Images, And Hear Voices?" Are The Images Moving (Like A Video Playback) Or Are They Fading "Still... Show more 4 years ago
inahurry I am having a conversation with someone, and I can hear and see as if it was ordinary 3-d life. Yes, really really strange since I have grandmals,... Show more 4 years ago
inahurry replied to the topic 'Handlers?' in the forum. 4 years ago

And ya know, right before that, last night, for some odd reason while I stepped outside, I guess the breaker in my house was tripped. Husband was in the kitchen at the time and had no idea what had caused it. Hm...


inahurry replied to the topic 'Handlers?' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thank you for that. That could very well be the case, since I hadn't slept in that bedroom for quite sometime. I smudged it due to what I knew was already hanging around, and just didnt think about it before I went to bed.

I'm also not in the best health, so it could have just been my own issue out of the blue like that.
Either way, I knew I read that he was more of a gentle presence, and didn't mean to imply in anyway he caused any irritation...but rather wondered if maybe my presence wasn't quite ready for a different energy.
While the subject matter isn't necessarily new to me (as an overall), trying to figure out the answers to this subject and how it relates in my life, is.
So, I will do my best to navigate all of this, and learn what I can.
And thanks again!


inahurry replied to the topic 'Handlers?' in the forum. 4 years ago

I did read his comment about checking on those coming in, and was fine with that. I went to bed maybe 2 hours after joining this group last night, and happened to be laying there staring at the ceiling when I got an intense headache that came on with dizziness. I had to shake it off to make it go away. Maybe I should be asking I wondered if he had come to check my energy, and why the dizziness and headache?


Hello to all! I just joined and I look forward to this journey with you! Thanks for allowing me to be here!

inahurry I am fairly certain I'm an abductee, and have a hybrid child...or more. I have little details, but many instances of confusion, I guess, of times in... Show more 4 years ago