- Earth

Технологии Астрала Воспоминания Астропроекции...

Громче звук Технологии космиических кораблей Нахт Ваффен, по восстановленным воспоминаниям Тайных Космических Программ SSP, Мэта Трейси, с Пенни...

Space and 42 others have joined the group Reality Brief 2 months ago
Space and 28 others have joined the group Andromedan Council 2 months ago

Vanga, a Bulgarian clairvoyant has described similar creatures as Vimfim and claimed in early 90s they would come in open contact with Earth one of the first ETs. (Book @Vanga. A Fire Bible@/A. Marianis)


6Q translation :technologies  incl connecting crystals Matt Tracy as source www.youtube.com/watch looking for some details for the last 7Q...

New parts translated on technologies and astral projecting 5Qyoutu.be/BIScwJgwxXw
Thanks for schemes from D Dohling, Penny...
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Staying positive, regardless reality. New videos of technologies translations into Russian for Youtube.3Q: youtu.be/k7eWKmboN9w
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helen.sherlock I would like to talk to Penny and help to remember more 2 years ago

2d part 13,5 minutes

Nacht Waffen Techno: Penny Bradley, Matt Tracy...

Технологии космиических кораблей Нахт Ваффен, рассказ по восстановленным воспоминаниям служаших Тайных Космических Программ SSP, тут - Мэта Трейси,...

Hello, Penny and all Astronauts! I am translating the technology videos into Russian, and would like Penny to be aware and not mind. Regards. Helen

Nacht Waffen Techno: Penny Bradley, Matt Tracy...

Технологии космиических кораблей Нахт Ваффен, рассказ по восстановленным воспоминаниям служаших Тайных Космических Программ SSP, тут - Мэта Трейси,...