[This is in response to a private message by one of our site members.]

I know Randy Cramer from 2 conferences I have spoken with him at.  I like and respect him.  We have disagreed over several ideas he has put forward, and he has been mortified by my personal testimony and my respect for Reptilians.  When he talks about his time on Mars in MDF, it feels truthful to me.  

As far as the apparent facts in the accompanying article, I want to make it clear:

1.  When Randy Cramer first came forward as Capt. Kaye, he was using an alias to protect what privacy he had left.

2.  I have no reason to believe that "Randy Cramer" is not also an alias.

3.  I have known more than one actual veteran with medals and wounds have their VA applications denied because the Military could not find their records.  Ask any local VA office who deals with veterans, this is not an uncommon thing.

4.  At least 2 of the people involved in bringing this forward have a financial reason to do so.  Speakers are not paid at conferences unless they are the top billed speaker.  The rest have to pay for the rooms.  Seriously.  They make their money off selling books and bling.  Not off speaking.  And both Mr. Webre and Mr. Basiago have stopped being top billed speakers.

So now, we proceed to the accusations:

"NewsInsideOut.com been informed that on November 6, 2019, NASA Astronaut Ken Johnston Sr., a US Marine Corps (USMC) veteran, officially inquired of the responsible US Marine Corps Command Staff Sgt Nelson and Staff Sgt Cartwright at Los Lunas, N.M. Marine Base https://loslunasnm.gov/ and was duly informed that “there is no record of a person named Randy Cramer ever having served in the U.S. Marine Corps.”

These USMC personnel first searched for any US Marine named Randy Cramer having served in the USMC between 1987 and 2004. These were the dates of the 17 years that Randy Cramer claims in your book and publicly for the last seven years since 2014 to have served on Mars.

These USMC personnel also searched for whether the US Marine Corps has ever has a Captain rank by the name of Randy Cramer in its entire history. This search also came up Negative, when the entire data base of USMC personnel was searched."


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