Walmart has recently adopted a new security device that's popping up across America in the parking lots of the stores.  People have dubbed them the "Lot Cops" but in reality what exactly do they do?  We have done some research and they appear to be a civilian version of Northop Grumman's Expeditionary Tactical Automated Security System a sophisticated military field surveillance system capable of networking with other units to monitor an operational theater.

Recently civilianized yellow units have been deployed in the parking lots of many WalMart stores.  Almost all of them have a generic security company shield that we cannot trace to where they come from.  While these units seem to be a very good idea for the safety of the shoppers and for theft reduction one has to wonder... who is monitoring the video feeds of these units?  Anyone who shops at Walmart already knows it can be quite frustrating at times to even find someone to help you.  Can you really depend on someone coming to your aide if you are a crime victim in the lot?  There are now so many cameras in a typical WalMart store it makes you wonder if they have a room of operators who are monitoring the screens.

We have researched and found that these units are actually D3 Edge Security Trailers made LiveView technologies. They sit just over 20 feet high and are secured with several cameras.  Their features include the following...


  • One Stop A to Z solution
  • Thermal Camera Detection
  • 2-Way Speaker Communication
  • Cloud Based
  • Communication Link Management
  • 24/7 Video Recording
  • Monitoring & Onsite Response
  • Automated Alerts
  • Easy To Use
  • Infrared
  • iOS & Android Apps
  • Flood Lights
  • Live Streaming Video via Cellular & Satellite
  • Low Maintenance
This seems pretty powerful to us... maybe not as powerful as their military cousin, but the similarities are remarkably similar in appearance.  One has to wonder is this for WalMart's needs... or is there another purpose behind these high tech units.



I asked Kevin Estrella from the Pyramids On Mars band about his latest album, Edge Of The Black.  The instrumental band broke through into new territory with this album by incorporating Tonal Language [whale song] into the music.  The effect is very realistic and took me deep into space on the cut "Nacht Waffen".

Kevin went deep into discussing his ET influences, and the effect of testimonies from SSP whistleblowers [myself included] on this album.  We talked about his ongoing relationship with a group of extraterrestrials who call themselves the P'ntl, who are dedicating themselves to Official First Contact soon.  He has visits from more than one individual and has a collection of photos of hand prints they have left in his apartment.

At the end, we had an interaction with his conyur Frisco, who seemed intrigued to talk to me too.

We played the cut "Nacht Waffen" in this interview, to give the audience a feel for the album.  The rest of the cuts are just as great in my opinion.  The album is well worth buying.

Matt Tracy was raised among the Warrior Caste that serves the Draco Empire.  His foster father was named Jur Akan and trained him and a girl he calls Kat [who is not currently public for interviews] in their way.  He has studied their spirituality and how it is intertwined into their martial skills.  

In this interview, Matt and Will Glover talk about their adventures after Matt killed a Draco in single combat.  They, the woman Kat, and a few Draco who owe Matt a life debt [a real thing with Draco] "liberated a ship" and have been trying to hide from the Draco Empire while engaging in what they call 'heroic deeds'.

Will Glover has an alter that serves with Penny in the Nacht Waffen Flagship that is currently involved in retelephoning [time travel] attempts to rescue a human population lost in real time when their planet was destroyed.

Will Glover and I have alters who work on the same Nacht Waffen ship. We also have alters who work for different factions in the secret space black ops, doing different things. We talked about the factions, and how to tell which faction by the technology used. We talked about bleed-over experiences with alters, and coming back physically injured.

Will Glover has amazing psi abilities.  He is able to connect telepathically at distance and then take me with him into an alter and let me experience being the alter.  I cannot affect what the alter does, but it's a full body experience not an intellectual exercise.  I was most impressed by it.  He is not limited to this either, he connected to me in the in-between incarnation existence I have and shared that too.  As in who, what and where I am between incarnations.  [I was aware of this prior to him taking me there, so I know it was not something he made up.]  So the man KNOWS me.  And still talks to me.

The alter he serves with me, we are on the Armada Flagship going back in time to rescue colonists on a world destroyed by the Galactic Authority's military police known as Guardians.  This was done because the Germans were told to leave and their response was defiance.  The Guardians are who is sending the Germans back to the Solar System.  [NOT an Alliance that claims to be rebels but is actually Bankers-in-space, aka ICC or Planetary Corporations.]

In that alter's service he is the equivalent of a staff sergeant and I'm a Leutenant.  I'm not allowed to "fraternize" with enlisted men there.

It's an interesting conversation, I hope you enjoy it.

Matt Tracy is a recent person coming forward with his memories from SSP service.  He has several alters that he remembers parts of their service [no one remembers 100%].

He served with Nacht Waffen as a pilot-Navigator.  He talks about some of the maneuvers he has invented for close combat with ships.

He served with the Draco human unit after being raised by Jur Akin, a warrior caste member of high regard, along with the woman he calls Kat.  In this alter, he served with Will Glover.